A holler from the deepest reaches of the edge of everything

Hi there

You're reading this email because you previously either pre-saved a song of mine or signed up to a mailing list on ReverbNation. If the very idea of this turns your stomach into nettled knots of annoyance and rage, please unsubscribe below. If however, you are instead now noticing a lovely tingly feeling creeping across your midriff, imagining all the wondrous words and whatnots soon to be flinging their way betwixt me and you. Read on dear mailing list subscriber! I always knew you were cool.

Greetings fellow humans!

It's been a goodly while since I messaged you fine folks but today marks the full release of my new single, 'In Parks of Tall Trees'. Already out on Bandcamp for the discreet, discerning client & now reintroduced into the wilds of the streaming blogosphere at this here hyperlink here.

Ever wondered what it'd sound like if I ranted from a dream diary for 3 minutes, over a furious drum beat, with a piano for a bass, with a vicious psychedelic organ, over the chords for God Only Knows played backwards? Wait no longer!

You can also check out this hot rocking promotional advertisment made with moving pictures over on that YouTubes

Because we haven't had a decent natter for so long you have, in fact, missed 3 other singles and a remix what've tumbled out from me old eggshell mind:

3 Little Rooms

Long, It Goes Over Again

The Christmas Morning Outcome &

The Christmas Morning Outcome (Lost Signal Remix)

Why not pop your feet up with a nice hot cup of old joe and rectify this terrible, terrible oversight forthwith?

Peace out, stay strong and flatten that curve



found underneath a gooseberry bush, some time past. grown crooked-tree and raggydoll. now a purveyor of pomes and posey, liking nothing more than to be thumbing his Flaming Jangle Music all hours

Read more from flakebelly

Hi there You're reading this email because you previously either pre-saved a song of mine or signed up to a mailing list on ReverbNation. If the very idea of this turns your stomach into nettled knots of annoyance and rage, please unsubscribe below. If however, you are instead now noticing a lovely tingly feeling creeping across your midriff, imagining all the wondrous words and whatnots soon to be flinging their way betwixt me and you. Read on dear mailing list subscriber! I always knew you...