flakebelly mailing list and new song

Hi there

You're reading this email because you previously either pre-saved a song of mine or signed up to a mailing list on ReverbNation. If the very idea of this turns your stomach into nettled knots of annoyance and rage, please unsubscribe below. If however, you are instead now noticing a lovely tingly feeling creeping across your midriff, imagining all the wondrous words and whatnots soon to be flinging their way betwixt me and you. Read on dear mailing list subscriber! I always knew you were cool.

Today marks the most joyous of days. Which day you cry? Why, says I, answering in answer, it's flakebelly new music release day of course! Silly.

My new single, 'That's What She Said' is loose, loud & louche and to be found nestled on the shelves of your favourite digital outlet or streaming service. Purchases with actual cash money are also acceptable and in fact, encouraged through Bandcamp.

It's a converse stomping, curtained fringe shaking, dirty jean wiggling, alternative indie-rocker. A bathetic reflection of existential limbo and being lost in a mental cul-de-sac. Inspired by Weezer, Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr, Pixies, and Nirvana. Encapsulating the audacious energy that defined an era, with a subtle melodic tinge, like a whispered secret shared amidst a raucous crowd. Written, performed and mixed by myself alone at home in the good old garden shed studio.

If, upon deciding this is exactly the kind of bag you're into, you find yourself with a fallow 3 mins & 10 secs, follow the link pixies below and they'll whisk you away quick-like into a land of listening pleasure, the experience of which I have it on reliable authority, you'll likely never fully recover from. And nor should you want to.


Peace out, stay strong and flatten that curve



found underneath a gooseberry bush, some time past. grown crooked-tree and raggydoll. now a purveyor of pomes and posey, liking nothing more than to be thumbing his Flaming Jangle Music all hours

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Hi there You're reading this email because you previously either pre-saved a song of mine or signed up to a mailing list on ReverbNation. If the very idea of this turns your stomach into nettled knots of annoyance and rage, please unsubscribe below. If however, you are instead now noticing a lovely tingly feeling creeping across your midriff, imagining all the wondrous words and whatnots soon to be flinging their way betwixt me and you. Read on dear mailing list subscriber! I always knew you...